Global Top Tier SM Company
보수/정비, 운항관리, 선박 성능유지,입거수리, 각종 검사 수검, IT 솔루션 제공
Maintenance/maintenance, operation management, ship performance maintenance,docking repair, various inspections, and IT solutions
선원 고용, 교육/훈련, 임금지불/인상, 승하선 관리, 상병관리
Seafarer employment, education/training, wage payment/increase, embarkation and disembarkation management, corporal disease management
국내최초 선원교육 전문기관, 실무중심의 교육
Korea's first professional training institute for sailors, Practical education
안전관리, 보건관리, 절차서제정/관리, 각종법규/항만규정 대응
Safety management, health management, establishment/management of procedures, response to various laws/port regulations
환경규정대응, 온실가스관리, 선박 모니터링, 에너지효율 관리, 친환경 기술검토
Response to environmental regulations, greenhouse gas management, vessel monitoring, energy efficiency management, and eco-friendly technology review
검선, 선박 신조/개조
Inspection, ship new construction/remodeling